Friday, December 7, 2007

Form "Zero"

Form "Zero"

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"Lightsaber skills, important they are. How to use as well as how not to use. When to move as well as when not to move."
Jedi Master Yoda

Form "Zero," while not an actual form of lightsaber combat per se but rather an ethical principle, was the idea that Jedi should know when to use their lightsaber and when to find an alternative means of solving a problem. This idea was defined by Jedi Master Yoda to address the need of the Jedi to restrain themselves when tempted to use "aggressive negotiations," and instead use another well-developed Jedi skill, such as the Jedi mind trick. This was a form used to arrive at a solution without resorting to violence.

In the days of the New Jedi Order, Jedi Master Kyle Katarn would teach his students, among whom were Jaden Korr and Rosh Penin, that often the sight of an unignited lightsaber would be enough to cause individuals that might be potential enemies to become more cooperative. Katarn had applied this principle himself years earlier to extract information from an uncooperative bartender in Reelo Baruk's cantina on Nar Shaddaa.D

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