Friday, December 7, 2007


TrĂ kata was a form of lightsaber combat. It took advantage of a lightsaber blade's ability to be turned on and off, a unique quality in a melee weapon. Quickly shutting off then re-igniting the blade could cause confusion in one's opponents, allowing for diversionary feints in combat. Sith Lords would ocassionally use this form to free their blade hand, allowing greater control of some force powers, such as Force Lightning.

Jedi Master Corran Horn used a variant of this technique during the Yuuzhan Vong War, one notable occurrence being while he was battling Shedao Shai on Ithor. During the battle Horn and Shai were locked in combat and Horn deactivated his lightsaber then ignited it again into Shedao Shai killing the temporary Supreme Commander. Jaden Korr may have used this form to amplify certain force powers.

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